Wednesday 24 July 2013

Girls Week 2013

A bunch of us have just returned from our annual trip to the cottage with our girlfriends. We call it girls week, but really, it's as many days as you can take off work to be there. This year I just had a few! We all truly look forward to this time every year. It's a chance to just hang out together, have fun, and eat to our hearts' content. Another great thing about this cottage is that each year, my friend's parents have made a change or added something new. It's perfectly decorated in an eclectic cottage style. There's always something to look at and a new treasure to find. If I ever have a cottage, this is exactly what I would want it to look like. Here are some pictures from my time up there (you'll notice a theme of various drinks paired with different reading materials...oh, and chip mountain).

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